Inner Healing Compass Teleseminar - May 2012

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Year of the Dragon Teleseminar With Giovanni Lordi - 30th May 2012

Seminar time: Wednesday, May 30th 2012 at 9:00 PM Eastern (8 pm Central, 6 pm Pacific)
Event now closed - thanks to all those who participated.

During my seminar I am going to speaking about a few different things:

  1. Super consciousness – using hypnosis to train your brain to reach new levels
  2. Achieving Zen – how to completely open up your mind and discover inner truth
  3. Dreams, shifting consciousness, and how to use this to elevate your mental perception
  4. Super Creativity – how to activate heightened learning & creating abilities
  5. Shifting your consciousness to live in the moment, gain awareness and become present

Registration is completely free & you can listen in via your internet or phone. You can even leave questions to ask me as part of the seminar. The seminar will be available for a replay for 1 week, or yours forever to download if you choose to register for the "Pro Package" they offer.

I am really looking forward to this and hope to see you there.


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